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Ready-to-Use Bible lessons and activities designed to teach children a Biblical faith in a fun and engaging way. Available in print and digital form.


Start teaching

Ready-to-Use Bible lessons and activities designed to teach children a Biblical faith in a fun and engaging way. Available in print and digital form.

We help children around the world learn the Bible in a fun & engaging way.

Bible Pathway Adventures Bible study resources are available in English, Spanish and German. Now, your purchase does even more - we donate 10% of your order value to our international missions programs in Nigeria, Kenya, Zambia, and the Philippines. Read our story and learn about our impact.

Torah Based Learning for 3rd-6th grade

"I love all the work you are doing for God and for kids who desire to know Him! Your teachings have been a blessing for my children and myself. You make learning fun and simple to remember, factual, and creative." (Brooke B, USA)

Explore our Bible curriculum

Biblically accurate | Culturally accurate | Fun and engaging for children