Meet the Tribe of Levi

The Tribe of Levi: God's Special Servants

Ever wondered what made one of Israel's twelve tribes so different from the rest? While most of the tribes received land when the Israelites entered the land of Canaan, the Levites got something unique instead – they became Israel's spiritual leaders and teachers. For engaging activities about all twelve tribes, including Levi, check out the Torah Time Traveler Activity Book curriculum, which features hands-on crafts and puzzles that bring these ancient stories to life.

It all started with Levi himself, the third son of Jacob and Leah. Along with his brother Simeon, Levi had a fierce protective streak that sometimes led to violence. After his sister Dinah was assaulted, the brothers took revenge in a way their father Jacob strongly condemned. Yet from this complicated beginning came a tribe that would play a crucial role in Israel's history.

Fast forward to the time of Moses, himself a Levite. Born into a Levite family during Israel's slavery in Egypt, Moses would become one of history's most famous leaders. His brother Aaron, also a Levite, became Israel's first High Priest. Talk about a power duo! God chose the entire tribe of Levi for special service after they remained faithful during the golden calf incident at Mount Sinai. While the rest of Israel was worshipping the idol, the Levites stood with Moses. The Twelve Tribes of Israel Activity Book includes excellent worksheets and coloring pages that help children understand this pivotal moment in Levite history.

The Levites' job description was unique. Instead of farming or herding like the other tribes, they maintained the Tabernacle (and later the Temple), taught God's laws to the people, and handled the sacrificial system. Think of them as ancient Israel's combination of clergy, teachers, and ritual specialists. They were organized into different groups with specific tasks – some carried the Tabernacle's equipment during travels, others were musicians, and others assisted the priests.

Speaking of priests, not all Levites were priests, but all priests were Levites. Specifically, priests had to be descendants of Aaron. The High Priest, always from Aaron's line, was the only person allowed to enter the Most Holy Place in the Tabernacle, and only once a year on the Day of Atonement. Talk about exclusive access! The Torah Time Traveler Activity Book curriculum offers interactive lessons about the priesthood, including dress-up activities where children can learn about the High Priest's special garments.

Since the Levites didn't receive tribal territory, they were given 48 cities scattered throughout Israel, including six special "cities of refuge." These cities provided sanctuary for people who had accidentally killed someone, protecting them from blood revenge until they could receive a fair trial. The Levites' presence in these cities helped ensure justice was properly administered.

How did the Levites support themselves without farmland? The other tribes were commanded to give a tenth of their produce and livestock to support the Levites, who in turn gave a tenth of what they received to support the priests. This system ensured the Levites could focus on their spiritual and educational duties without worrying about growing food.

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