En 2012, nuestro cofundador Curtis tuvo una idea. Quería crear recursos de discipulado bíblicamente e históricamente precisos para ayudar a los educadores a enseñar a los niños la fe bíblica de una manera divertida y atractiva. Y sabía que tenía que compartir estos recursos de discipulado con el mundo. Curtis se asoció con su ahora esposa Pip y nació Bible Pathway Adventures®. Lo que comenzó como una aplicación de libro de cuentos con seis historias bíblicas creció hasta convertirse en libros de cuentos bíblicos ilustrados, videos y planes de estudios de discipulado para la escuela, el hogar y las comunidades.

En 2019, Curtis y Pip decidieron hacer las maletas y mudarse de Nueva Zelanda a Canadá. Desde entonces, Bible Pathway Adventures® ha seguido creciendo. Es posible que hayan iniciado Bible Pathway Adventures® en una mesa de comedor en Nueva Zelanda, pero hoy en día los recursos de discipulado de Bible Pathway Adventures® se utilizan en miles de hogares y escuelas de todo el mundo.

Las misiones están cerca de nuestro corazón. Nos asociamos con educadores y organizaciones en Pakistán, Uganda, Kenia, India, Nigeria y Filipinas como parte de nuestro programa Classroom Pack para proporcionar materiales didácticos y útiles para el aula sin costo alguno. Cuando compra libros de actividades Bible Pathway Adventures®, donamos el 10% del valor de su pedido a este programa de educación bíblica. Obtenga más información sobre nuestros programas educativos aquí.

Bible Pathway Adventures® quiere ayudarle a ahorrar tiempo y dejar un impacto profundo y duradero en la vida de los niños. Desde lecciones sin preparación hasta divertidas actividades en el aula, ¡lo tenemos cubierto! Ya sea usted maestro, educador en el hogar, líder de un ministerio infantil o abuelo, queremos inspirarlo a compartir la verdad bíblica con los niños en su vida. Bible Pathway Adventures® tiene su sede en la soleada Alberta, Canadá. No representamos ninguna denominación religiosa, movimiento o alineación política en particular.

Curtis Reid

Bible Teacher & Founder // Curtis Reid is Bible Pathway Adventures' Canadian-born concept guy. Outside of an executive career in Canada, New Zealand and Australia, he has passionately studied and taught God’s Word for 30+ years. His mission is to help people dig deeper for the truth, and discover the incredible foundation of our faith. He has served on several overseas mission projects, leads the River Branch gathering and teaching ministry (River Branch Fellowship), and is the founder of the international discipleship platform, The Donkey Stable

Pip Reid

Curriculum Creator & Founder // The woman behind Bible Pathway Adventures®, Pip Reid, was born and raised on the Pacific coast of New Zealand. An early entrepreneurial spirit led her to work in Asia, where the start up spirit helped to spark the idea to create educational materials for children. Ten years later, after working for New Zealand’s largest educational publisher Learning Media, she founded Bible Pathway Adventures® with her now-husband, Curtis. Now based in Canada, they oversee this ministry that focuses on discipling children in the Body of Messiah. The Bible Pathway Adventures® series of Bible stories and Activity Books are published in English, Spanish and German, and are available in digital and paperback formats.

Thomas Barnett

Illustrator // Tom Barnett,owner of Barnett Studios, is an award-winning illustrator of comics and children's books, and the author of the beloved children's book series, “I brought a Hodag…” Inspired by Charles Shultz (of ‘Peanuts’ fame) from an early age, he has worked as a professional illustrator and cartoonist for over 10 years, illustrating for publishing companies, nationally syndicated magazines, independent publishers and self-published authors around the world. Tom lives in Wisconsin and is a proud member of the prestigious National Cartoonists Society, an organization that includes many of the USA’s best cartoonists and illustrators. He is the illustrator for the Bible Pathway Adventures® series of children's bible stories. 

Troy W. Hudson

Audio Production // Troy W. Hudson, the 'Voice of Bible Pathway Adventures' has been a voice-over artist and character voice actor for over 32 years. Based in South Carolina, he provides his worldwide clients with 'Voice Over with Personality'! This means he delivers messages with a heartfelt passion and strives to connect and communicate with his audience. Today, whether it’s high energy commercials, documentaries, that ‘guy next door’ sound, corporate or technical training lessons - Troy does them all. It’s a matter of breathing life into words and knowing it is magic and wonder for a child hearing a well-told story. As he puts it, if you’re going to tell a story “YOU have to believe!” Hear Troy’s demos and learn more at www.troywhudson.com