Making an impact through education
Founded on a mission of teaching and discipling children, Bible Pathway Adventures® is committed to supporting educators around the world teach children the whole Word of God. Via our Classroom Pack program, we provide discipleship resources and support to local leaders embedded in their own communities. By helping these educators teach children a biblical faith, we can impact and grow the next generation!
"Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:19-20)
Now your purchase does more. We donate 10% of your order value to our Classroom Pack program.

What is a Classroom Pack?
Classroom Packs give local leaders the tools they need to teach and disciple children in a practical way. Every Classroom Pack includes a printer, stationary supplies, and most importantly, free access to Bible Pathway Adventures® discipleship curriculum. Rather than shipping equipment and supplies around the world, we provide trusted local leaders with funds to purchase supplies in-country. Today we reach children in Kenya, Nigeria, India, Pakistan, Mexico and The Philippines. Nothing makes us happier than seeing children get excited as they discover their Messiah!
How it Works
Partner Connections
Local leaders are identified through trusted partner connections. We love working with organizations and leaders who desire to teach children a biblical faith.
Needs are discussed with local educators and a suitable Classroom Pack is designed for use in their fellowship and wider community. Classroom Packs include funding for printers, stationary supplies, and free access to Bible Pathway Adventures® curriculum.
Because each Classroom Pack costs $600, organizations are added to a wait list. Once we’ve raised the funds (with your help), these are then sent to local leaders to purchase a printer and supplies in-country. These leaders can have a Classroom Pack up and running in less than a week!
Bible Pathway Adventures® discipleship resources are emailed and printed in-country, and used to teach children in a variety of settings including fellowships, orphanages, community halls, and schools. The impact of one printer can ripple through a community, touching thousands of children.
Where we Serve
Ruperto’s story
Ruperto Villas Verona runs Camp 14, a ministry based in the Philippines. He and his team provide practical help and Bible education to the community. After seeing the great work Ruperto was doing, we reached out to offer a Classroom Pack and our catalog of Tagalog Teacher Packs. With access to so many resources in their native language, Ruperto was able to start a children’s program. Local parents are now seeing the children learning the Bible in a fun and creative way, and are enrolling their children in classes.
Cletus’ story
Cletus Okoro Okpo is part of the Church of God, a fellowship based in Nigeria. Their community includes hundreds of children, all hungry to learn God’s Word. With the Spring Feasts fast approaching, we offered Cletus’ fellowship a Classroom Pack, allowing them to create a children’s program for this special Appointed Time.
Paominlen’s story
Paominlen Khongsai runs a small fellowship in Saikul Hill Town, North-East India. For years they have taught children stories from the Bible. We designed a Classroom Pack for Paominlen’s fellowship, which included a printer and supplies, plus our English Teacher Packs and preschool activity books. Today, Paominlen has the resources he needs to not only teach his own fellowship but support other communities in his area to create their own children’s programs.