Paul, Barnabas, and John went on a long walk of 90 miles (that's about 145 kilometers) across the south coast of the island called Cyprus, all the way to a place named Paphos. While they were walking, they stopped to teach in local synagogues. In Paphos, they met a Jewish 'magician' named Elymas (he was also called Bar-Jesus), who worked for the Roman proconsul, Sergius Paulus. Paul called Elymas a “son of the devil” because of his actions (you can find this story in Acts 13:10 of the Bible), and Elymas was temporarily blinded. This surprising event made the Roman proconsul believe in the Messiah.
Back then, Paphos was a very important city. It was the Roman capital of Cyprus and a big port. The Roman proconsul lived there with his team, which included people called 'publicani'. These were the folks who collected taxes and helped run the place for the Romans. Cyprus is also famous because it's said to be the birthplace of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love (the Romans called her 'Venus'). Paphos was famous for having a huge temple dedicated to Aphrodite.
Paul's plan involved speaking to Israelite communities scattered throughout Asia Minor. By teaching in local synagogues, where both Israelites and those who worshiped the God of Israel and followed the Torah (known as God-fearers) gathered, his teachings convinced many that Yeshua was the promised Messiah. As these people embraced belief in the Messiah and the idea of a restored House of Israel, they created a network of contacts. This network helped Paul spread the message of the Messiah to communities across Asia Minor.
What role do you think the followers of Messiah played in helping Paul teach the message of Messiah throughout Asia Minor?