The Exodus route: where did the Israelites cross the Red Sea?

During the epic Exodus, Egypt's mighty empire included the Sinai Peninsula. The Israelites, eager to escape slavery in Egypt, had to trust God. Their path to freedom? Crossing the Red Sea, stepping out of Egypt's borders. But where exactly did this famous crossing happen?

Bible scholars have long debated this. Some think it might have been Lake Sirbonis in Egypt. Others argue for the Port of Suez or the Straits of Tiran. Now, let's fast forward to recent discoveries. Archaeologists are pointing to the waters between Nuweiba Beach and the Saudi Arabian coast as the probable site of this miraculous crossing. They believe the Israelites trekked through the 'Way of the Wilderness' (as mentioned in Exodus 13:17-18), turned right, and marched along the Wadi Watir, finally reaching Nuweiba Beach. This isn't just any beach; it's so huge you can spot it from space!

Imagine over two million people, including 600,000 men, plus women and children, gathered there. Many among them were Egyptians, awestruck by the power of YAhweh over their own deities, as stated in Exodus 12:37-38. Nuweiba Beach, facing the Saudi coast across the Gulf of Aqaba, offered a massive camping ground for the Israelites before their daring sea crossing to the safety of ancient Arabia, also known as the land of Midian. According to Exodus 14:1-2, this was exactly where they set up their tents, as instructed by God to Moses.

But there's more to this beach than just sand and sea. A fascinating discovery was made here – a red granite column, reminiscent of ancient Israeli architecture. A matching column was found on the opposite Saudi coast. Engraved with words like 'Mizraim (Egypt)', 'Solomon', 'Edom', 'death', 'Pharaoh', 'Moses', and 'Yahweh', it raises a thrilling question: Were these columns a monument by the Israelites or even King Solomon to commemorate their miraculous Red Sea crossing? 

Now, imagine diving into the deep blue waters and stumbling upon an underwater mystery – a scattering of ancient chariot wheels! Some wheels were still attached to their axles, while others lay separate. They even found chariot cabs, missing their wheels. Alongside these relics of ancient transport, researchers discovered something even more intriguing - human and horse bones, partially embraced by coral. This discovery echoes a dramatic moment from the Bible, where in Exodus 14:24-25, it's said, "God troubled the host of the Egyptians, and took off their chariot wheels..."

Read the article. Can you answer the questions?

  1. Where is Nuweiba beach?
  2. What did archaeologists discover at Nuweiba beach, and on the seabed?
  3. What do you think? Was Nuweiba beach the location of the Red Sea crossing?

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